Privacy Policy

ThermoGenesis – Advancing Automated Cellular Processing

Thank you for visiting ThermoGenesis Holdings. We are committed to the privacy of our visitors. We collect no personal information about you when you visit our web site unless you choose to provide that information to us.

Below is how we handle information pertaining to your visit to our Web site.

Cookies: To better server our visitors, we use technology to track new and returning visitors actions while on the website. These small files are commonly referred to as “cookies.” Our cookies do not contain any personally-identifiable information. Our web measurement applications compare the behavior of new and returning visitors in the aggregate to help us identify work flows and trends and also resolve common problems on our site.

Cookies are small files that Web servers place on a users Web browsing device. They can serve several functions not limited to the following:

  • they allow the Web site to identify you as a previous visitor each time you access a site;

  • they track what information you view on a site (important to Thermogenesis to ensure visitors find what the are looking for);

  • in the more advanced cases they track your movements through many Web sites but not the whole Web;

  • businesses use them for customer convenience to allow them to produce a list of items to buy and pay for them all at one time and to garner information about what individuals are buying at their sites;

  • advertisers use them to determine the effectiveness of their marketing and offer insights into consumer preferences and tastes by collecting data from many Web sites;

  • they can be used to help a Web site tailor screens for each customer’s preference;

We will retain data the technology makes available only as long as required by law, of specific program need as specified by the National Archives and Records Administration’s General Records Schedule 20, which pertains to Electronic Records or other approved records schedule as applicable. If you are concerned about the potential use of the information gathered from you computer by cookies, you can set your browser to prompt you before it accepts a cookie. You can remove or block the use of web measurement and customization technologies by changing the setting of your browser to block cookies as described at

Currently, we are also using session cookies as part of a Web customer experience. The sole purpose of the session cookie is to improve the experience of our visitors. ThermoGenesis does not retain any information collected by these session cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted at the end of a session, that is, when a browser is closed at the end of a Web browsing session.

Information collected and stored automatically:  If a user does nothing during a visit with the exception of browsing a Web site, reading pages, or downloading information, we will gather and store certain information about the visit automatically. This information does not identify the user personally. We automatically collected and store information like the following concerning a users visit:

  • The Internet domain ( for example, “” if a user uses a private Internet access account or “” if you connect from a university’s domain);

  • You IP address ( an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web ) from which you access our Web site;

  • The type of browser and operating system used to access our site;

  • The date and time you access our site;

  • The pages a user visits; and

  • If a user connected to our Web site from another Web site, the address of that Web site will also be collected;

We use this information to help us make our site more useful to visitors, to learn about the number of visitors to our site, and the types of technology our visitors use. We do not track or record information pertaining to the individual and their visit.

Information Protection: For site security purposes and to ensure that this site remains available to all users. this site employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. If such monitoring reveals evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity, such evidence may be provided to the appropriate law enforcement officials. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this server are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act or other law.

Information that you voluntarily provide: We do not collect personally identifiable information unless you choose to provide it to use. If you provide us with personally identifiable information, for example, by sending an e-mail or by filling out a form and submitting it through our Web site, we use that information to respond to your message and to help us provide you with the information and services that you request. All uses of that information are described on the Web page containing the form.

Submitting voluntary information constitutes your consent to the use of the information for the stated purpose. When you click the “Submit” button on any of the Web forms found on our sites, you are indicating your voluntary consent to use of the information you submit for the purpose stated.

How Information is Used: The information we collect is used for a variety of purposed (e.g., to register you for a newsletter, to respond to request for information, and to fill orders). We make every effort to disclose clearly how information is used at the point where it is collected so you can determine whether you wish to provide the information.

Retention of Information: We destroy the information we collect when the purpose for which it was provided has been fulfilled unless we are required to keep it longer by statute or official policy. Electronically submitted information is maintained and destroyed according to the principles of the Federal Records Act and the regulations and records schedules approved by the National Archives and Records Administration, and in some cases information submitted to ThermoGenesis may become an agency record and therefore might be subject to a Freedom of Information Act request. Also, ThermoGenesis is not responsible for the privacy practices employed by non-ThermoGenesis sites that may link to the ThermoGenesis Web site.

Links to Other Sites: Our Web site may contain links to various private organizations or federal agencies. Once you link to another site, you are no longer subject to the ThermoGenesis privacy policy but instead subject to the privacy policies of the new site. It is always a good idea to read the Privacy Policy of any new Web site visited.

Your right under the Privacy Act: Information on the Privacy Act can be found on the following Web site:

Accessibility: ThermoGenesis is committed to making its web sites accessible to all ThermoGenesis customers and staff in accordance with provisions of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998.

If you have difficulty obtaining information from any ThermoGenesis Web site, please contact IT at (916) 858-5100.